Articles, Stories & Book Reviews Page Three
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1911-June 1931 (Page One)
July 1931-May 1939 (Page Two)
June 1939-March 1940 (Page Three) you are here
April 1940-Feb 1975 (Page Four)
(Includes by-lined newspaper articles)
June 1939
"The Wreck of the Laurentic"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 2, 81-94
June 3 1939
"Felled by Bad Air, Too Weak to Move"
New York Post, 1 (re HMS Thetis)
Jun 17 1939
"Sabotage of Phenix, Thetis, Squalus? Ridiculous!
It's Only a Coincidence" New York Post, 1
Jul 1939
"Sunken Treasure!"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 3, 55-64
Aug 1939
"Under Pressure"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 4, 87-107
Sep 1939
"Escape Under the Sea"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 5, 88-95
Sep 7 1939
New York Post, 3
Sep 25 1939
"S.S. Bremen Got Away -Ellsberg" originally written as "Where's the Bremen?"
New York Post, 1?
Sep 28 1939
"Ships Versus Planes"
New York Post, 1
Sep 30 1939
Agreement with NY Post & Phila Record
to write 2 articles per wk @ $25 - terminated 1 Dec 39
Oct 2 1939
"U.S. Hasn't Right To Bar Armed Ships, Ellsberg Warns" originally written as "Armed Merchantmen and Neutrality"
New York Post, 1
Oct 4 1939
"Safety Zone's Policing Up to U.S. Navy; May Cause Nazi Clash, Ellsberg Warns"
New York Post, 1
Oct 9 1939
"Nations Controlling Sea Never Lose, Says Ellsberg" originally written as "This War at Sea"
New York Post, 1
Oct 10/1? 1939
"The War on Scandinavia" published as "How Germany Wins at Sea" - no NY Post article found; reference made in Pachman's letter to Ellsberg dated 10/12/39
Oct 16 1939
"Model T Battleships" originally written as "The Royal Oak"
New York Post, 1
Oct 19 1939
"Prien Enters Hall of Fame"
New York Post, 1
Oct ?? 1939
Blood Baths at Sea; not known if published; Ellsberg marked "For Thurs. Oct. 19"
Oct 25 1939
"Germans Put Russia on Spot" originally written as "The City of Flint"
New York Post, 1
October 28 1939
"The War at Sea"
(book review of Sea Power and Today's War by Fletcher Pratt)
The Saturday Review of Literature Vol. XXI No. 1, 11
Nov 1 1939
"Can the Nazis Sink British Fleet?" originally written as "Bomber vs Battleship" in 2 parts; part 1
New York Post, 1
Nov 2 1939
"Bombers Can't Sink Battleship, Says Ellsberg" originally written as "Bomber vs Battleship" in 2 parts; part 2
New York Post, 1?
Nov 8 1939
"Britain Up a Tree on the Deutschland" originally written as "German Commerce Raiders"
New York Post, 1 (Naval Expert for the Post)
Nov ?? 1939
"Holland" 2 drafts - not known if published - see NY Post letter 11/12/39
Nov 18 1939
"U-Boats' Eggs Great Menace to Allied Ships" originally written as "U-Boat Mines"
New York Post, 2
Nov 18 1939
The Dutch vs. U-boats
Not known if published; story about sinking of the Dutch liner Simon Bolivar on Nov. 18, 1939
Nov ?? 1939
The Deutchland Puzzle; not known if published; story about sinking of HMS Rawalpindi on 11/23/39
Nov 27 1939"Are Nazis Desperate?"
New York Post, ?
Jan 1940
"The Admiral Graff Spee" (pd $244.45 12/29/39)
Sperryscope, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1-6, 16
Mar 17 1940
"The War Explodes a Yankee Idea"
This Week (New York Herald Tribune), 16
(pd $200, less 10% to agent 1/30/40)
1911-June 1931 (Page One)
July 1931-May 1939 (Page Two)
June 1939-March 1940 (Page Three) you are here
April 1940-Feb 1975 (Page Four)
(Includes by-lined newspaper articles)
June 1939
"The Wreck of the Laurentic"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 2, 81-94
June 3 1939
"Felled by Bad Air, Too Weak to Move"
New York Post, 1 (re HMS Thetis)
Jun 17 1939
"Sabotage of Phenix, Thetis, Squalus? Ridiculous!
It's Only a Coincidence" New York Post, 1
Jul 1939
"Sunken Treasure!"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 3, 55-64
Aug 1939
"Under Pressure"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 4, 87-107
Sep 1939
"Escape Under the Sea"
Adventure: Vol. 101, No. 5, 88-95
Sep 7 1939
New York Post, 3
Sep 25 1939
"S.S. Bremen Got Away -Ellsberg" originally written as "Where's the Bremen?"
New York Post, 1?
Sep 28 1939
"Ships Versus Planes"
New York Post, 1
Sep 30 1939
Agreement with NY Post & Phila Record
to write 2 articles per wk @ $25 - terminated 1 Dec 39
Oct 2 1939
"U.S. Hasn't Right To Bar Armed Ships, Ellsberg Warns" originally written as "Armed Merchantmen and Neutrality"
New York Post, 1
Oct 4 1939
"Safety Zone's Policing Up to U.S. Navy; May Cause Nazi Clash, Ellsberg Warns"
New York Post, 1
Oct 9 1939
"Nations Controlling Sea Never Lose, Says Ellsberg" originally written as "This War at Sea"
New York Post, 1
Oct 10/1? 1939
"The War on Scandinavia" published as "How Germany Wins at Sea" - no NY Post article found; reference made in Pachman's letter to Ellsberg dated 10/12/39
Oct 16 1939
"Model T Battleships" originally written as "The Royal Oak"
New York Post, 1
Oct 19 1939
"Prien Enters Hall of Fame"
New York Post, 1
Oct ?? 1939
Blood Baths at Sea; not known if published; Ellsberg marked "For Thurs. Oct. 19"
Oct 25 1939
"Germans Put Russia on Spot" originally written as "The City of Flint"
New York Post, 1
October 28 1939
"The War at Sea"
(book review of Sea Power and Today's War by Fletcher Pratt)
The Saturday Review of Literature Vol. XXI No. 1, 11
Nov 1 1939
"Can the Nazis Sink British Fleet?" originally written as "Bomber vs Battleship" in 2 parts; part 1
New York Post, 1
Nov 2 1939
"Bombers Can't Sink Battleship, Says Ellsberg" originally written as "Bomber vs Battleship" in 2 parts; part 2
New York Post, 1?
Nov 8 1939
"Britain Up a Tree on the Deutschland" originally written as "German Commerce Raiders"
New York Post, 1 (Naval Expert for the Post)
Nov ?? 1939
"Holland" 2 drafts - not known if published - see NY Post letter 11/12/39
Nov 18 1939
"U-Boats' Eggs Great Menace to Allied Ships" originally written as "U-Boat Mines"
New York Post, 2
Nov 18 1939
The Dutch vs. U-boats
Not known if published; story about sinking of the Dutch liner Simon Bolivar on Nov. 18, 1939
Nov ?? 1939
The Deutchland Puzzle; not known if published; story about sinking of HMS Rawalpindi on 11/23/39
Nov 27 1939"Are Nazis Desperate?"
New York Post, ?
Jan 1940
"The Admiral Graff Spee" (pd $244.45 12/29/39)
Sperryscope, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1-6, 16
Mar 17 1940
"The War Explodes a Yankee Idea"
This Week (New York Herald Tribune), 16
(pd $200, less 10% to agent 1/30/40)